Return to school

At OPJ, when you meet with one of our employment counselors, you determine with them the different scenarios that would help you to achieve your academic objectives.

Numerous possibilities are available and adapted to your particular needs.

OPJ counsellors offer the following services:

free and personalized as per your objectives

if you are between 16 and 35 years old

or if you are over 40

(other criteria may apply)

Learn to know yourself

Summarize your skills, explore your motivations, your professional values, your interests, your strengths, when meeting with your counsellor, with tools and tests made available to you.

Opération placement jeunesse (OPJ) and Starbuck
Opération placement jeunesse (OPJ) : Technician

Explore and be informed

Find out about programs and training available at all levels, participate (be a student for 1-day), discover different sources of revenue during your return to school, understand the admission criteria, visit different High Schools, training centers, on-the-job training, etc.

Enjoy academic support

Prepare your equivalency test (GEC) and the general development test (GDT), benefit from personalized support and help with your homework.

Opération placement jeunesse (OPJ) : Teacher Giving Personal Instruction To Female Student